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viZual Listening

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and science tells us we think in metaphors. viZual Listening leverages OZ’s 25+ years of experience capturing and understanding metaphors.

We don’t just count words. We analyze the metaphoric imagery and language people use in social media conversations.  The patterns of those metaphors reveal the most important themes, relevant spaces and opportunities for your business.

When to use it and what you'll learn?

ViZual Listening is for the curious. 

Want to know the structure of posts that resonate more with consumers and the tactics to improve engagement? 

Looking to know the trending topics and how your brand connects with those topics at an unconscious level? 

Want to find culturally relevant ideas to inspire your next campaign? 

ViZual Listening can give you the context, insight and inspiration you need.

How it works

We eavesdrop on the conversations that are happening, in real time, to understand what your consumers are saying about your brand, your category, and their lives.

The images they use on social media and the metaphors embedded in their language are the clues that help unravel the mysteries of the mind of the market. 

Those insights are your cheat code for creating messages, posts and innovations that touch the hearts of your consumers.

"Making Waves"

"Making Waves"

In this ViZual Listening report, you can explore:

  • Hydration drink conversation spaces & language

  • Perceptions on flavors, benefits, sweeteners, and emerging categories like alkaline

  • Breakdowns on 7 rising brands in the space (Vitaminwater, Prime, Sparkling Ice, Bai & more)

Next Up: ZMET In-Situ      

Research your consumers in their own environments