Feminism for a new generation?

This article from the New York Times this weekend was a bit unfocused, but it touched on two different trends among teenage girls – girls who, in a decade or less, will be adult consumers.

The first part of the article centered on YouTube star JoJo Siwa, who is promoting what one might call a new flavor of young feminism:

“In a world where parents of children ages 8 to 14 have long been concerned about hypersexualized clothing, early puberty and overly sophisticated media messages, JoJo is part of a growing group of girls documenting routine, age-appropriate behaviors and activities such as being nice, doing their choresdivulging what’s in their backpacks, making dresses out of garbage bags and working to pay for their own clothes.”

The article then meanders into a deeper discussion of the young female stars of YouTube.  Older people always worry that new trends herald the end of civilization as we know it, and the presence of young girls crossing over from YouTube to mainstream stardom is no exception.

 ‘”It’s troublesome to me when I see this being celebrated as the herald of what our young girls should aspire to,’ Ms. Long said. ‘That you, too, can go from being a YouTube star to having your own deal on Nickelodeon.’”

How do these trends compare or contrast with those of past generations when those generations were in their teen years?  What does this suggest for how brands can reach these girls, not only now but also down the road?

(photo: Ryan Henriksen for The New York Times )


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