Olson Zaltman’s ZMET Concept Development offers diagnostics that will increase the emotional impact of your brand’s communication



What meaning are consumers making of your advertising?

There's a lot of pressure to understand more than "I like it" or "It gets my attention" to new advertising/messaging or even a shift in current execution.  Often, you get conflicting and not helpful answers when you ask consumers how to make your concept better –how you can reduce your risk. It's time to de-risk by going deeper into consumers' minds where they "co-create" meaning with your concept.  

Co-create meaning?  What's that? 

One way you've experienced this yourself is when you look at a painting.  The impact you feel is a fusion of both what the artist has painted and your mostly unconscious emotions, memories and feelings.  You co-create a meaning in your mind. Your advertising is also an artistic endeavor where ultimately the success is driven by the meaning made by your consumers. 

Now you can learn what consumers are co-creating in their minds with your communication concepts.  It's Concept Development not just Concept Evaluation.

How it works

Your consumers see a piece of stimuli -- a concept, storyboard, animatic, or a finished ad in any media -- and use ZMET-style psychological probes to understand the meaning they take away. What is the stimulus saying about your brand and how is it making your consumer feel?

When to Use It and What You'll Learn

ZMET Concept Development can optimize existing advertising work of all kinds, evolve a campaign or completely new directions even in the prototyping phase.  

You'll discover not only on what consumers think of your concept, but the subtle whys impacting their evaluation - outlined with detailed diagnostics. Olson Zaltman also delivers a plan to refine and best deliver your intended outcome including brand strategy impact.

Next Up: Implicit Association Test (IAT)

Quantify the hidden associations people have with your brand.